So, you've taken the leap and started your weight-loss journey with Zepbound, the newest FDA-approved weight-loss injection. But the burning question remains: how soon can you expect to see results? How long does it take for Zepbound to actually start working?

Let's navigate together through the details and try to answer that question in the best way we can.

Related article: Zepbound: A Complete Guide About the Newest Weight-Loss Drug.

Zepbound kicks in as soon as you start

Technically, Zepbound starts working as soon as it is administered into your system, so from your very first injection. It operates on a complex level of hormonal interaction and regulation right from the start of your treatment.

As you may know by now, tirzepatide, the active drug in Zepbound, works in several ways to help you lose weight. It targets the receptors of both GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) hormone and GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) hormone to:

  • Reduce appetite, making you feel full for longer periods and consequently reducing snacking and food intake.
  • Reduce fat storage and boost your metabolism, making your body use the energy it gets from foods in a more effective way.

Zepbound is not just about eating less and losing weight; it's about how your body handles the food you eat and the hormonal signals that regulate your feelings of hunger and satiety. It’s about entering a new, virtuous circle that will take you to the path to sustainable weight loss.

And, while Zepbound starts working on it immediately, it takes a bit of time for this new circle to get rolling and translate into noticeable weight loss.

Related article: How Much Weight Can You Lose on Zepbound?

Its effects may take time to be noticed

The time it takes to start losing weight with Zepbound varies and depends on each person. In clinical trials, some patients have lost up to 2% of their body weight after only 4 weeks of treatment, but others had to wait for longer to notice a change.

Some people may notice an immediate reduction in appetite, leading to faster weight loss, while it may take a bit longer for others to start noticing the effects.

As mentioned above, tirzepatide works on a complex hormonal level, and regarding hormones, we’re not all equals! Hormones play a crucial role in regulating appetite, metabolism, and weight management. Each person's hormonal balance is unique and influenced by numerous factors, including genetics, age, gender, and overall health.

Besides, your diet and physical activity habits can also greatly impact how quickly Zepbound begins to show its effects. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight faster with Zepbound, and these are factors that only you can control!

So, with or without Zepbound, weight loss is never a one-size-fits-all journey. What works quickly for one person may take longer for another. But don’t worry, on average you should start seeing great results within the first months of your treatment. Patience and consistency are keys!

Related articleHow to Get Zepbound: Prescription, Eligibility, Coverage Explained!

The importance of gradual dosing

Another factor that influences how long it takes for Zepbound to work in your body is the necessity to start with a low dose.

During the first 4 weeks of your weight-loss treatment, you will most probably be on a 2.5mg weekly dose of Zepbound. This starter dose is non-therapeutic. It is not meant to make you lose weight, but it is used to help your body adjust to the medication and minimize potential side effects before it’s gradually built up to a higher maintenance dose.

So, while some people may start losing weight on this initial dose, it’s totally normal if you don’t.

After these initial four weeks, Zepbound dosage is typically increased to 5 mg weekly. Your doctor may further increase your dosage in 2.5 mg increments every four weeks until you reach the maximum recommended dose of Zepbound, which is 15 mg a week. But not everyone will reach that max dose! It depends on your results and tolerability level to the treatment.

Always keep in mind that Zepbound is meant to be a long-term weight-loss treatment. Don’t lose heart if you don't see immediate results. Sustainable weight loss takes time, and it works better when focused on healthy habits rather than rapid changes.

Related article: Zepbound Dosing Guide: Essential Tips for Sustainable Weight Loss.

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How to Lose Weight Faster with Zepbound

That being said, there are ways you can help Zepbound work faster! Tirzepatide isn’t a magical fix. It needs your efforts too, and you can lose more weight and faster if you combine it with a healthy diet and physical activity. I’m not saying it, studies are.

A healthy diet

We all know that a healthy diet is an essential part of your weight-loss journey, whether you’re on Zepbound or not. Making smart food choices helps losing weight faster and maximizing Zepbound’s efficacy. In fact, during Zepbound clinical trials, patients who made significant diet changes saw the best and fastest weight-loss results.

  • Chose nutrient-rich foods: Load up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to provide your body with essential nutrients. These make you feel full longer and help prevent snacking and unneeded calories, making you lose weight faster while on Zepbound.
  • Avoid excessive calories: Stay away from unhealthy fats, fried foods, sugary stuff, alcohol, etc. These are extra calories your body does not need, and they can really slow down your weight-loss results with Zepbound. 
  • Control portion sizes: Keep an eye on your portion sizes to prevent overeating. Smaller portions help you stay on track with your weight-loss goals.

Related article: Zepbound Diet: What Foods to Eat, What Foods to Avoid?

Physical exercise

And of course, being active is another great way to speed up your weight-loss progress with Zepbound.

Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, such as brisk walking, cycling, jogging, or swimming, and try to include strength training a few times a week too.

Studies have consistently shown that combining weight-loss drugs with physical exercise leads to greater and faster weight loss. Exercise helps increase your metabolism, build lean muscle mass, and burn more calories, all of which boost Zepbound’s efficacy.

But remember to start gradually, especially if you're new to exercise, and gradually increase the intensity as you improve. Listen to your body and choose activities that you enjoy so it becomes a real long-term thing!

Related article: How to Store Zepbound? Does it Really Need to Be Refrigerated?


How long do you stay on Zepbound?

Zepbound is meant to be a long-term treatment for weight loss, meaning you should take it for at least several months, possibly years.  

Recent studies indicate that patients may start gaining weight back once they stop taking Zepbound, underscoring the fact that people may have to stay on the weekly injection if they want to maintain weight loss.

However, the decision about how long to stay on Zepbound should be made with your doctor. Only they can give you personalized advice based on your health status, weight loss goals, and response to the medication.

Related articleZepbound Cost: Coupons, Insurance Coverage and Savings Card.

How long do Zepbound side effects last?

Like any medication, Zepbound comes with its own share of possible side effects, including common ones like gastrointestinal issues, such as nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, and others.

In most cases, Zepbound side effects are temporary and tend to diminish over time as your body adjusts to the medication. They typically occur during the initial stages of your treatment and may last for a few days to a few weeks. That’s why you always start with a low dose and gradually increase as you tolerate the treatment.

If you experience persistent or severe symptoms, or if you find that your side effects are interfering too much with your quality of life discuss them with your healthcare provider. They may need to adjust your dosage or treatment plan.

Related article: Does Zepbound Really Need to be Refrigerated?

How much weight can you lose on Zepbound?

How much weight you can lose with Zepbound is a common yet tricky question to answer. First, it varies a lot from person to person and depends on numerous factors, like your starting weight, dosage, lifestyle changes, diet, and your body’s response to the medication.

In one major clinical trial, participants who received high doses of Zepbound lost an average of nearly 20% of their body weight over 16.5 months. Additionally, recent research has indicated that Zepbound may result in an average weight loss of around 25% after one year of treatment. It means that, for example, if you weight 200 pounds, you may lose on average 50 pounds in the first year.

But these are only averages and it’s important to understand that you may lose more or than that!

How long does Zepbound stay in your system?

If you need to stop taking Zepbound due to side effects, the completion of your treatment plan, or a switch to an alternative treatment, you may wonder how long the drugs stays in your system.

Tirzepatide, the active ingredient in Zepbound, has a half-life of approximately 5 to 7 days. It means that it takes around 5 to 7 days for half of the medication to be eliminated from your body. Based on this half-life, it should be cleared from your system entirely within about 30 days after you stop taking Zepbound.

However, the effects of the drug, such as reduced appetite and weight loss, may persist for some time even after Zepbound has been eliminated from your system. If you have concerns after stopping Zepbound, it's crucial to discuss them with your doctor.

Related article: How to Switch from Wegovy to Zepbound?

Let us know about you! Are you on Zepbound? How long did it take you to notice the first changes? Sharing your experiences and questions below may help others find answers!

April 10, 2024

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