If you're like most people, you probably pack your carry-on bag with all of the essentials: a change of clothes, your toothbrush, and maybe even a few snacks. But what about your prescription eye drops? Can you bring them on the plane with you? And if so, where should you store them? In this blog post, we'll answer all of your questions about bringing eye drops on a plane!

4AllFamily TSA-approved eye drop cooling case coolers

Does Latanoprost Need to Be Refrigerated?

Glaucoma is a condition in which the optic nerve of a person becomes damaged, leading to loss of vision. One factor that may cause damage is narrow gaps between cells called “canals” inside your eye's fluid-filled cavity known as Schlemm’s canal. This leads to many patients whose eyes have been diagnosed with glaucomatous optic neuropathy or open-angle glaucoma (OAG).

Latanoprost needs to be refrigerated. The chemical within the medicine becomes less effective when exposed for too long to warmth, so keep your Latanoprost in the refrigerator and use them right away or store them at room temperature up to 25°C (77°F) where they'll last about six weeks before.

Related article: What Eye Drops Must Be Refrigerated?

Can You Take Prescription Medication on a Plane?

Yes, you can take prescription medication on a plane but you will need to bring the medication in its original container with the label. You are also allowed to bring a reasonable quantity for your personal use. It's always a good idea to check with the airline before you fly to see if they have any restrictions on what types of medications you can bring on board.

As long as you follow these simple guidelines, bringing eye drops on a plane should be no problem! And remember, if you have any questions about your specific medication, be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist. They will be able to give you the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Related article: Tips for Traveling With Medication Internationally! 

How to Travel With Refrigerated Medications?

Take a few precautions before traveling with refrigerated medications to ensure that they maintain full potency. Before you go;

  • check the expiry date on your drugs and make sure there is at least one month left in their potency window for safe use after arrival.

  • pack them tightly into leak-proof containers so liquid or gel medication won't spill out onto other items within luggage

  • avoid glass bottles because they break easily

  • be mindful of customs rules when traveling abroad especially since some countries restrict the importation of medication while others allow only licensed pharmacy prescription medications.

When flying, it is important to keep all of your medications with you in your carry-on baggage, as opposed to checking them in with your luggage. This way, if your luggage gets lost, you will still have access to the medications you packed in your carry-on baggage.

When flying with your eye drops in your hand luggage, keep the prescription medications in a cooler filled with iced packs or ice-gel packs. The use of just regular ice in a plastic bag could turn into water and end up exposing your medication to heath.

To keep your eye drops refrigerated while traveling, traveling with 4AllFamily is the coolers is the best option.

4AllFamily travel coolers for refrigerated drugs and eye drops

Related article: Is Flying With Glaucoma Safe?

How Do You Travel With Eye Drops?

Packing Eye Drops for Air Travel

To ensure your eye drops don't leak and make a mess in your suitcase, pack them in a hard-sided case with padding. You can also put them in a zip-top plastic bag and then place that inside a sock for extra protection. If you're traveling with more than one type of eye drop, make sure to label each bottle so you know which is which.

Make sure you pack your favorite eye drops and medicines in case that is TSA (Transportation Security Administration) approved. Your checked luggage must be declared safe by TSA because airport security will be checking bags at the airport security checkpoint, so have all of these essentials such as a medical certificate and doctor report ready.

Make sure your liquids are not packed in your checked baggage. They must be in your hand luggage and preferably in a container larger than the medication packaging to stay safe during air travel.

Keeping Eye Drops Cool When Traveling

If you're traveling with refrigerated eye drops, pack them in a cooler with ice packs. You can also ask your doctor for preservative-free artificial tears, which don't need to be refrigerated.

The patented design of the 72 Hours Portable Medicine Cooler is perfect for handling temperature-sensitive medicines. Whether it’s a basic activity around town or an extreme adventure out in nature - this cooler has got your back with its three different cooling methods.

Is Flying With Glaucoma Safe?

If you have glaucoma, you may be wondering if it's safe to fly. The good news is that flying shouldn't make your glaucoma worse. In fact, the change in air pressure during takeoff and landing can actually help to lower the pressure in your eye, which is a good thing for people with glaucoma.

Flying at higher altitudes won't cause any more pressure changes than being at lower altitudes, so there's no need to worry about that either. It rarely has any effect on intraocular pressure (IOP).

However, if you're going to be flying for a long time (more than eight hours), it's a good idea to check with your doctor before you travel. This is because the air in an airplane is very dry, and this can make your glaucoma medication less effective.

If you have any other questions about flying with glaucoma, be sure to ask your doctor. They will be able to give you specific advice based on your individual condition.

Related article: 4AllFamily Eye Drop Carrying Cases!


If you're wondering if it's okay to bring eye drops on a plane, the answer is yes - as long as they are in your carry-on luggage. However, there are some things you need to keep in mind when packing and transporting your eye drops.

Make sure to pack them in a leak-proof container and check with customs about any restrictions on bringing medications into the country you are traveling to.

If you're going on an adventure trip, consider investing in a portable medical fridge like the 4AllFamily 72 Hours Medicine Cooler to keep your medication cold.

April 28, 2022


4AllFamily Costumer Care Team said:

Hola Vilma,
Para refrigerar sus gotas de ojo mientras viajando o el el avion, aconsejamos usar uno de nuestros coolers. Puedes consultar el catalogo aqui: https://4allfamily.com/collections/all
Si tiene cualquier duda para elegir, no dudes en contactar el servicio de attencion al cliente aqui:
Customer Support
Phone number
+1 508 921 0865
Te deseamos un buen viaje,
4AllFamily Customer Care Team

Vilma Peressotti said:

Hola tengo plasma en gotas para los Ojos ,voy a Brasil,en avión ,necesita refrigeración,cómo lo transportó?

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The information presented in this article and its comment section is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a replacement for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any medical concerns or questions you may have.